
Momentum 🚅

Dear Co-x3 Community,
This week, we will focus on momentum - how do we keep going when it seems like so much is against us?
Major updates! 🔼
It's been a fantastic week for our community - here are some highlights:
This tutorial teaches you how you can build badges and achievements for virtually anything you are keeping track of in your life, in any notion workspace. Check it out and comment on what custom badges you'll be creating to incentivize yourself!
New Badge: Exercise Junkie - Exercise more than 3x a week
Improved page structure
Added video resources to easily add new players and create custom badges
+6 Patrons! Thank you Charles, Karol, Jiyun, Colin, Georgina, and Trenton. With your support, we can release quality content more regularly, and provide special and customized perks for supporters like you! Thank you so much! 😄
This week's honest sharing 💭
Every week, I am deeply honest about important topics.
Key Takeaways:
Any knowledge well researched enough is indistinguishable from a crystal ball;
Talent is just hard work in disguise;
It's a combination of knowledge and execution that we get things done.
What I've been resonating with 📚
Constant learning is an important part of your growth journey, and I try to read as much as I can to learn as fast as I can. Every week, I'll share key insights from the best pieces of content I digest.
Quote: "Seek to understand before being understood." - Stephen R. Covey
Misery often stems from instances where we feel that we are misunderstood;
When we attempt to understand others, we expose where we have our own biases, which we can then take appropriate actions to resolve;
If we take the initiative to understand others first, it will most likely be reciprocated.
Things to look forward to 👀
We've just launched a pilot to help local businesses bring gamification into their organizations to connect better with their remote teams, as well as a support package for anybody who's looking to drastically upgrade their personal systems with resources and 1-on-1 sessions. Please email us at if you would be interested in learning more!
Our first 5 clients will enjoy 30% off all services, and if you are an ongoing patron, you are eligible for an additional 15% off.
By popular request, I will be releasing an updated "How I use notion" video, showing how all my different templates connect for me to live a meaningful and intentional life - and most importantly, how I run my life simply from 3 core views.
If you have any productivity tools you'd like me to take a look at, please let me know! I'm always eager to explore different ways on how we can tackle everyday challenges, and add more tools to our Co-x3 collective toolbox. Suggest it on our #tech-and-apps🍎 channel on discord!
Prompt for the week ❔
What are your mental barriers that stop you from doing the things you're meant to do?