
Let's Grow This Community, Together 🤗

Dear Co-x3 Community,
This week, we will focus on growth - and how we can do it together.
Our Wins 🚀
It's been a fantastic week for our community - here are some highlights:
Every week has been so exciting for us since we launched our dedicated space for our Co-x3 Community 🤗. We hit 100 members on Wednesday, and now we're around 120 - unbelievable!
I've spent a lot of time thinking about how to create a meaningful space to share the great content we digest everyday. I'm so glad to have finally came up with a structure to learn faster, better, and easily share our learnings with our community. Read more here →
New Templates ✨: Co-x3 Community Toolbox
We've added a guide on how to automatically schedule reminders in notion (Submitted by Co-x3 Member Alex Sherwood)
Cleaned up all templates to help guide the user journey
5 brave community members shared their character progressions on Sunday last week, receiving much needed accountability, motivation, and congratulations from our supportive community! Can we do 10 this week?
+5 Patrons! Thank you Antoine, Veronika, Ivonne, Kevin, and Jim! With your support, we can release quality content more regularly, and provide special and customized perks for supporters like you! Thank you so much! 😄
This week's honest sharing 💭
Every week, I am deeply honest about important topics.
We had our second week of honest accountability via our gamification avatars, and had meaningful conversations about topics that mattered to the community. Click here to watch the session recording if you couldn't make it!
What I've been resonating with 📚
Constant learning is an important part of your growth journey, and I try to read as much as I can to learn as fast as I can. Every week, I'll share key insights from the best pieces of content I digest.
Quote: If you can't accept something in your life, you need to change it. And if you can't change it, you need to accept it.
Our biggest stressors comes from external stimuli that we cannot control.
Thus, we must have the mindset that if we can't change it, we need to accept it.
But for the things that we can control, we should always try to take action on it.
The only thing we can control in life is our perception to external stimuli.
Thus, it is natural that we should aim to become experts at controlling what we can in an efficient manner.
We are often so frugal about how we spend our material possessions, yet so extravagant when spending our time on meaningless people and tasks. Time cannot be earned back. Money can.
Things to look forward to 👀
We're currently having a poll to decide on the best timing for all our weekly catchups from now on so that it's a good timing for everybody. Please vote here!
I'm looking for more ideas on fun and engaging welcome email interactions for community members who are interested in gamifying their lives with us. Read the ideas we have so far and let us know if have anything you'd like to suggest or contribute!
Growing this community has brought so much joy to my life, and I hope it has for you too. Let's grow this community, together.
Prompt for the week ❔
Let's keep each other accountable on our growth journey. Reply on this email and send your response to this question:
What is something that you need to change in your life?