
Getting Things Done ✅

Dear Co-x3 Community,
This week, we will focus on defeating procrastination - what does it take?
This has been an amazing week for co-creation and collaboration. I've had such amazing and fun conversations with so many of you, and I can't wait to share with everybody what we've been up to. 🤗
Our Wins 🚀
It's been a fantastic week for our community - here are some highlights:
Added new views and formulas for progress bars, etc.
Streamlined onboarding journey and UX for new users
In our weekly catchup session (now lovingly dubbed 'Council Meeting') we shared an exclusive early preview into an upcoming gamification update - ever wanted to immerse yourself into a fantasy world or fight world quests together as a community to create positive social impacts? Watch the session if you missed it! →
How can we be intentional about getting a puppy? I answered that in a video walkthrough in response to a question asked by a fellow Co-x3 Community Member.
Our resident graphic designer Vivian Fung designed a spring concept for our Co-x3 wallpaper with cherry blossoms! Send her ♥ and feedback!
+7 Patrons! Thank you Selim, Kate, Mathias, Lydia, Drew, Christophe, and Thanh! With your support, we can release quality content more regularly, and provide special and customized perks for supporters like you! Special thanks to Mathias and Drew for being our first ANNUAL SUPPORTERS! 🎉
This week's honest sharing 💭
Every week, I am deeply honest about important topics.
In this short video, I teach you how to train your brain to crave building strong habits by leveraging scarcity and progression. 💪
What I've been resonating with 📚
Constant learning is an important part of your growth journey, and I try to read as much as I can to learn as fast as I can. Every week, I'll share key insights from the best pieces of content I digest.
Quote: "When you are not practicing, someone else is getting better." - Allen Iverson
We all live life with a common currency - time.
Every day is a chance to work on and perfect our craft.
When we procrastinate, we are willingly giving up our limited opportunities to be better.
We procrastinate when the instant gratification monkey in our heads takes the wheel.
The only thing that scares this monkey is the panic monster which wakes up when we have deadlines to meet - which is why we finally start working on projects on the day of the deadline.
However, self-starters (creatives and business owners) often don't have deadlines in the early stages! This triggers a critical failure to start.
To combat this, it is helpful to adopt the perspective that we only have a limited number of weeks left in our lives, so we can start and build momentum towards our success.
Things to look forward to 👀
I've been working hard on our Power Up Your Motivation training library and should have the bulk of the video content out by this weekend (we now have 30 lessons 😮) - and I'm so proud that we just got our second early access student this week 🎉!
A huge gamification update will be dropping next week, introducing community "world events" designed to boost our motivation, create accountability, and spark collaboration. By participating in these world events, you can earn companions to join your journey that will provide certain perks towards your character. Check out some of the work that's been done so far here.
We're kicking off our May bootcamp for productivity junkies who want to try their hand at gamification! We'll help you build an immersive real-life RPG experience right in your notion workspace, and provide you early access to our latest gamification innovations. If you are interested to participate, click here to let us know!
Prompt for the week ❔
Let's keep each other accountable on our growth journey. Reply on this email and send your response to this question:
What have you been procrastinating on? What is one thing you can do to start on it?