
The Start Of A New Journey 🌄

Dear Co-x3 Community,
This week, we talk about growth - what's next for Co-x3?
It's been a fantastic week for our community - here are some highlights:
Harry and Veronika helped us set up and customize our own conferencing rooms over at meet.co-x3.com, enabling us to self-host our own zoom experience for all our daily events!
Drew and I created a value bomb library - a page to crowdsource all the best pieces of insights from our video content and reward the top 5 upvoted 💣 every month with community gold!
Community domain migration - our space is growing up! We've secured the domain www.co-x3.com, and with valuable input from the community, we have decided to migrate our community space from x3.conradlin.com to our.co-x3.com.
This migration should take effect by 9pm Eastern, and you will be able to use your same login credentials on the new domain. This should not affect mobile apps.
Please note that all x3.conradlin.com links will now redirect to the homepage, and if you spot any of them, please let us know so we can update them accordingly to link users to the intended resources.
We will begin to send emails from conrad@co-x3.com soon, so please make sure the domain co-x3.com is whitelisted to make sure you continue receiving our emails!
We have new social media accounts! Ayden gave the wonderful suggestion that we should create dedicated accounts to share the best of Co-x3 with the world, and so, we have taken @thex3family on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. To claim @thex3family on youtube, we need to hit 100 subscribers on our dedicated Co-x3 Youtube Account! Help us out by clicking this link!
In our weekly council meetings, we help each other with specific problems we identified in our week. This week's topics: building a 'life playlist', planning goals for next quarter, and our next stage of growth for Co-x3. It was a thought-provoking session - watch it here if you missed it! →
+14 patrons have joined our wall of love 💕! Thank you Aless, Misha, Christopher, Kiki, Iris, Heidi, Kale, Kacper, David, Jeremy, Alex, Ann, and Elizabeth! With your support, we can release quality content more regularly, and provide special and customized perks for supporters like you! A big thank you to KC as well, for being an early access supporter of our Power up your Motivation: The Ultimate Package.
Every week, I am deeply honest about important topics.
This is the most meaningful video I've ever shared, because it was made by you. A huge thank you to Ann, Aless, Brad, Dan, Drew, Sean, Veronika, and all the amazing people for helping make this video possible. If you ever wanted to explain to your loved ones what you've gained by being part of Co-x3 - this video will explain everything.
This week, we covered creating music anthems for specific parts of your day, building EZ mode into #theGamificationProject, and creating new views and dashboards for the creators toolkit.
Constant learning is an important part of your growth journey, and I try to read as much as I can to learn as fast as I can. Every week, I'll share key insights from the best pieces of content I digest.
People collect garbage through fustrating and stressful interactions;
Eventually, it builds up and they end up dumping that garbage to the next person;
Break the cycle by smiling, waving, wishing them well, and move on.
Let's get highly motivated to personally develop ourselves, develop accountability, and collaborate to bring positive social impacts to our local and global communities.
🤝 Collaboration Opportunities
We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on if Co-x3 should start a podcast!
Help us create more value bombs by letting us know what clips resonated most with you!
Don't work alone. We hold open meetings every day at 9am Eastern.
Keep learning. New ways to tackle everyday challenges at 11am every day.
Timeboxing Schedule: Music anthem for specific parts of your day
Creators Toolkit: Deep dive into awareness, interest, desire, jab, action, and retention.
Pets: Leveling up to get skills, and spend gold on pets for goodies
Daily Quests: After you complete your reflection, trigger a loot box drop. The loot box will give you a reward % based on your completed # of daily quests.
Let's keep each other accountable on our growth journey. Reply on this email and send your response to this question:
How has recent world effects affected you? How are you feeling lately? How can we help?