
How Can I Be Helpful? πŸ˜„

Dear Co-x3 Community,
This week, we will focus on giving and being helpful - how can we do it effectively?
Major updates! πŸ”Ό
It's been a fantastic week for our community - here are some highlights:
A huge welcome to Nikki, our newest Top 100 Supporter πŸš€! She shared a touching introduction with us in our discord community, and we're so glad that Co-x3 is a space for her to be intentional in her life to achieve her goals.
I also want to take the opportunity to recognize Co-x3 member Lilian, a web developer who's goal is to contribute more this year to community projects - stepped up to co-create with us to build resources for patrons to design and publish your own static site for free within 5 mins (no coding required at all!) based on your notion pages; taking this project to the next level.
Purchase rewards from the item shop by purchasing it in your daily quest.
You can now repeatedly purchase items from the shop and gold rewards will automatically calculate and deduct from your gold balance.
New Template ✨: Reciprocity Ring
A template to help you be meaningful in your giving. It's important to evaluate often how you can be helpful to others, and more importantly, what you need help with. but with more opportunities we can create to give, the more we can all be givers.
+9 Patrons! Thank you Steve, Scott, Robert, Ning He, Nikki, Sandrine, Henry, Diana, Steven. With your support, we can release quality content more regularly, and provide special and customized perks for supporters like you! Thank you so much! πŸ˜„
πŸ’‘ Reminder: As a launch bonus, we are offering an exclusive 'super package' for patrons that unlocks one-click duplication for dozens of practical templates and frameworks; maintaining the complex relations between the various databases, offering a seamless experience.
This week's honest sharing πŸ’­
Every week, I am deeply honest about important topics.
Over the years, I've observed countless situations where family, friends and strangers demonstrate their enormous capacity to give and constantly innovate ways to be helpful. It's been a tremendous delight every time I come across such interactions, as it serves a positive reminder of the social fabric that holds us together. Thus, it is highly unsettling when I observe givers in situations where they are unable to express themselves optimally because of various negative influences. In this article, I explore the best ways I've found to help givers give optimally to generate high-quality connections, strong relationships, and happiness.
What I've been resonating with πŸ“š
Constant learning is an important part of your growth journey, and I try to read as much as I can to learn as fast as I can. Every week, I'll share key insights from the best pieces of content I digest.
Quote: β€œTo do more for the world than the world does for you – that is success.” - Henry Ford
If we all adopt the 'pay it forward' mentality, the world will truly be a better place.
By always aiming to give more than we have received, we are ensuring that everybody is receiving more. This directly contrasts the mentality of those who only give when they get - because that is naturally diminishing.
Book: Give and Take by Adam Grant
The more you give, the more you want to do it and inspire people around you to give.
Schedule time for giving. Aim for 2 hours of volunteering a week in a domain you are passionate about. Find opportunities to be helpful at work. Set up reprocity rings with friends and family.
If you need help, ask for it - explicitly and specifically. People are happy to help, you just need to give them opportunities to. Don't forget that there are costs to saying NO.
Things to look forward to πŸ‘€
Our highly anticipated gamification revamp will be coming next week - stay tuned!
Resources for patrons to design and publish your own static site for free within 5 mins (no coding required at all!) based on your notion pages.
We need your help! We want our community to be reaching as many growth-minded thinkers as possible! If you've enjoyed our content and want to help our community grow, please share it with a like-minded friend that you think would benefit too.
Prompt for the week ❔
What is something that you need help with that keeps you up at night? What is a unique way that you can be helpful? Reply to this email with your responses, and we'll do our best to match you with someone that may be able to help.